Dr Yunmeng Cao

GNS Science | Te Pū Ao


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My name is Yunmeng Cao (曹云梦). I am a satellite-geodesy researcher and currently working in the Geodynamics unit, GNS Science - Te Pū Ao, Aotearoa New Zealand.

I have had over 10 years of experiences in satellite-geodesy field. My work focusses on using satellite radar technology to detect Earth surface’s displacements that are associated with a wide range of geophysical and geotechnical processes, such as seismic- and volcanic-activities, earthquake- and climate-induced landslides, underground resource extraction caused surface movements, infrastructure damages, and natural hazards caused surface changes.

My research explores advanced approaches to improve satellite geodesy for better geoscience applications. I present a series of novel methods to model and correct InSAR observation errors, particularly that of the atmospheric delay, which is on the one hand the key signal of InSAR meteorology and on the other hand the major error when mapping ground displacement. I develop a couple of open-source toolboxes for processing SAR/InSAR data precisely, automatically, and rapidly, that are used across the satellite geodesy community. My long-term goal is to intelligently detect Earth surface’s changes/displacements using Earth observation (EO) rapidly responding to climate changes and sudden natural hazards. Now at GNS Science, I participate a series of natural hazards projects that supported by New Zealand government, and one of my latest project is to identify nationwide upcoming hazardous landslides using both radar and optical satellite.